The proposiotins could change according to epidemic situation.
- Date: Saturday 22.03.2025
- Place: The city park Lužánky, Brno – MAP
- Tracks are lead mainly through asphalt roads of the city park without an option of track shoes usage.
10:00 | Children A | 2016 – 2018 | 150 m | |
10:20 | Children B | 2013 – 2015 | 450 m | |
10:40 | Children C | 2012 – 2013 | 750 m | |
11:00 | Children D | 2010 – 2011 | 1555 m | 1 lap |
11:30 | Juniors A Juniors B | 2008 – 2009 2006 – 2007 | 3110 m | 2 laps |
12:00 | Women | 2005 older | 6220 m | 4 laps |
13:00 | Men | 2005 older | 7775 m | 5 laps |
- men and women
till 16.03.2025 590 CZK
in place 690 CZK - juniors 100 CZK
- childern C + D 100 CZK
- childern A + B 50 CZK
- Transfer payment:
Number of account: 2101474861/2010
IBAN: CZ95 2010 0000 0021 0147 4861
- Runners can register to the run through registration form.
- According to the rules of the race, the registration will be valid only if the stariting fee will be payed (under the recieved variable symbol) on the organisator bank account in five days after filling out the registration form.
- The participant agrees with terms and conditions of the race by filling out the registration form.
- The last day of the registration is on the 16th of March 2025.
- Younger participants will go throuhg registration on the day of the race.
- Racing set for runners will be ready before the race on the place of start, in the city park Lužánky, in SVČ Lužánky on the adress: Lidická 1880/50, Černá Pole, 602 00 Brno.
Categories of men and women:
women overall; women I – born 1985 – 1976; women II – 1975 -1966; women III – 1965 and older
men overall; men I – born 1985 – 1976; men II – 1975 – 1966; men III – 1965 and older
- The Competitor agrees through his race registration and race participation with the rules.
- The Competitor of the race is aware of risks consisted in the danger of occurrence of damage or actual bodily harm caused during the race.
- The competitors must follow and respect the rules of the race and the instructions of the organisators.
- The runners take part in the race at their own risk and their own responsibility.
- Every competitor proclaims, that he is taking part in the race voluntarily.
- The competitor agrees through his race registration and race participation with the fact, that his health matches the rules and demands of the race.
- The Organisator is not responsible for any actual bodily harm, property damage or any other harm created in connection with the participation at the race or with it’s watching.
- The Organisator reserves the privilege for changing and mistakes in the programme and instructions.
- The Organisator reserves the privilege for changing any information on the website without any notice.
- On regularity of the race are keeping an eye the referees of ČAS.
- The race is taking place regardless to the weather conditions.
- Registration is possible through the online registration form on The registration is considered as valid after payment, after it is to full extent added on account of the organisator. Payment through the direct debit must be added on the account of the organisator until 5 days after the registration, otherwise will be the registration cancelled.
- Starting set will be handed over on the basis of Participators name nad variable symbol.
- Registration fee (starting fee) is final and invincible. The registration can be transfered to a different person after agreement with the Organisator. This transfer is not possible anymore after the end of registration.
- The organisator has the law to close the registration without any previous announcement.
- With the registration every racer gives according to the given assessments of the law No. 101/2000 Code of Law as amended, the assent to use his e-mail address and mailing address, written in the online registration form for marketing purposes of the race organisator.
- Only runners with valid registration can particiate in the run. Every runner also has to have starting number clearly visible on the chest. It is forbidden to manipulate with the starting number of the chip in any way. Chip is not refundable.
- During the race athlete must not put off clothing. Breaking this rule may cause disqualification.
- Starting list will be shown on the day and place of the race.
- All the photos and video recordings recorded during the race can be used through the organisator for his own propagation without any claim for reward.
- Refreshment will be in served in the areal of the racing area.
- Every single runner will receive food voucher and drink.
- Dressing rooms are secured, participants can use them.
- The organiser is not responsible for belongings of the participants in the dressing rooms.
- The runners are starting at their own risk.
- Exact information will be on the flyer during the presentation.
- Medical service will be available during the whole race.
- The chip technology wiil be used for time measurement.
The organizer is athletic club AC Track & Field Brno z.s.